Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Over qualified, my addiction to Candy Cane Lane tea and the Southern Woman's guide to not punching a potential employer in the snoot

Wow. I guess that title says a lot doesn't it? Perhaps it is my lack of sleep that has made me a bit cranky or the fact that I cannot believe that some people can be such morons. Maybe it's a little of both.

We'll start out with the fact that I'm over qualified to sell shoes. Laughing hysterically here. I am the queen of shoes. *snort* how can you tell a southern woman who has lived to the ripe old age of 40 that she couldn't sell shoes. I feel 100% justified in telling that 'man' that "I" could sell a bald man a comb and if he didn't have the ability to see that well, I really couldn't have worked for him anyway. Personally, his little muttered comment under his breath when he looked at my resume gave him away. [Hell, she's over qualified for my job]Which totally means that he was scared. Totally. Hence, the moron comment. And I really don't like calling people morons but he so deserved it.

On a brighter note, I found the last six boxes of Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane tea. {Yeah-I did the happy dance}And spent my last four dollars buying them out. I know it was probably an irrational thing to do but the thought that I couldn't have that tea again until Christmas sent me into panic mode. So, I'm such a bad girl.

In other news: Just working and writing. Had a funeral to go to this past weekend and I have to tell you, no one should lose all their children. Had to be one of the saddest funerals I've ever been to. My Uncle told me that apparently he'd just lived too long. So sad.


Anonymous said...

I think the guy was scared you might take his job one day! LOL!

I'm here. Trying to get back on the schedule. I've been sick and also Mother has, so when not at the doctor myself, I've been down at Lizzie's.

Shesawriter said...

Sorry about the shoe debacle, but that tea sounds scrumptious. I'm definitely going to buy a box.

Oh! I'm giving away a free ebook (an historical set in Restoration England) on my blog today, so come visit. :-)

OR Melling said...

Ach, sweetie, there is nothing more soul-destroying than looking for a job, part-time or otherwise. Just believe that what you want is out there, with some really great person to work with, nice atmosphere, bit of fun. Health Food Shop? Alternative Co-op? Book store! And tone down your cv. If it is too good, they are afraid you will take their job or organise a union. Good luck! And keep writing.

Michelle said...

Janie...Perhaps. I never have understood why people get intimidated just because you've worked in a corporate environment. So yes, I made a lot of money at one point in time in my life. But let me tell you, I earned by working sixteen and seventeen hour days for people who had no appreciation what so ever. And I would want to go back to that? I'd rather put a hot poker through my eye.

Tanya, the tea is amazing. I love it. It's like comfort food. Plus it's made with green tea and it's decaffinated so it won't keep you up all night.

Thanks Orla! You are such a doll and you're probably right. I've put in to work at the library as an aide. I think I would like that a lot as well or maybe work at a book store or shop. We'll see what happens. If I end up a bookstore, I may spend everything I have on books...LOL And yes, I'm writing still so that's good as well! Hope things are going well for you too. Can't wait to see what the new adult book is all about. Anxiously awaiting news! (hint hint)

Lilypad Mom said...

He definitely had to be scared, but I hate the term over qualified. How is it even possible to be over qualified?

I'm so jealous you found more Candy Cane Lane tea. I'm on the hunt for it, I just opened my second to last box. There is no way I can wait until next Christmas to get more, it's the one thing that is getting me through my sweet cravings while I'm getting back into healthy eating and weight loss. I drink at least 2 cups a day.

Michelle said...

I found it at Food Lion. They still had some left over. Send me a private email. They may still have some left at my store, if so I'll be glad to pick it up for you!