Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Job Market

I never would have believed how much paperwork is involved in working somewhere part time. I mean really. Take a survey, take these five tests and we'll let you know if you pass and in reality what is passing on a personality test? Either you know how to fool the system or don't. Geez.

Needless to say I've been looking for some part time work. A nice little job that I could do on the weekends to earn some extra money. I've pretty much cut our budget as low as we can go. With the exception of my high speed internet. I really hate to cut that. Really. I love it. And we use it a lot with home schooling. There is no better research tool around with proper supervision of course.

So I'm crossing fingers here to get a nice cushy little job. If there is such a thing.


Anonymous said...

I hope you have some luck.

Shesawriter said...

Good luck, Michelle. I know those surveys can be annoying. My friend has been taking them and she's yanking her hair out.