Friday, December 08, 2006

Why? In an attempt to understand my own shortcomings related to the computer

After having re-written the opening chapter of my book for the ninth time on the computer I am not going to write it on the computer ANYMORE!!!

For some strange reason as soon as I start working on this chapter on the computer it's like my brain goes into some kind of deep trans fat syndrome and everything that I write turns into mush. Mush=CRAP yeah in all caps. It sucks. I know it sucks.

So...I'm going to back to writing by hand.

I do have a theory on all of this though. I think that by writing by hand, which takes longer, and uses different muscles in the brain, that the writing (by process of thinking more) comes out better.

I still have to type it but by then it's just typing and editing. Not so much thinking about tone and other things.

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