Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Cold New Year

Holy smokes it's freezing here. A lovely balmy 28' which is way below normal for my southern blood. I certainly hope everyone had a wonderful safe holiday season. I know I did! It was full of warm family moments and lots of fun with good friends.

I got the best X-mas present in the world. I got a tea pot. This may not be a big deal to some of you, but have you ever tried to pour water into a tea cup from a pot? And being the lack minded writer I am half the time I turn water on to heat and then forget about it until I realize that something is burning. Yes, I've done this on more than one occasion so how THRILLED was I to get a tea pot that whistles? Extactic I tell you. Happy happy joy joy. Now when the water is ready I have a screaming pot to alert me. Guess I'm just one of those people who need to be hit over the head about certain things. But my family bought me a beautiful yellow teapot that totally matches the walls and made me a very happy camper. I also got lots of clothes, books, shoes, etc. Oh, and Once Upon a Time scrap book paper which I highly recommend. It's fab.

Last year there were a lot of things that I didn't do well. Granted I changed jobs twice and then was jobless for the last half of the year. [Talk about stress] Oh, wait. I'm still jobless at the moment but it's all right. I have some prospects. Maybe. The guy at Payless Shoes was great.

[Side note: Damn the cat just knocked off all her food in the office which means I gotta go clean it up--be back in a jiff]

You have to love dogs, especially when they clean up the mess the cat makes.

Goals for 2008
Woo boy. This is a big year for me.
1. Write a minimum of 500 words every day. [Would like this to be more but for someone who has had issues I'm taking it at baby steps.]

2. Write every day either by long hand or on the computer

3. Focus my main two stories and make them easier to write. In other words no pie in the sky novels or novels that keeping morphing until they are impossible to handle. Remember the KISS principle.

4. Huge goal-probably most important goal. Use my time wisely. Don't let myself get out of control with internet browsing. Work before play. Write. Don't talk about writing but be like Nike and Just do it.

Here are the projects that I will finish in 2008:
A)The big book that will not die no matter how many times I try to write it/kill it.
B)Another faerie story
C)A short vampire story
D)The first book in the secret "P" books


Shesawriter said...

Happy new year, Michelle!

Michelle said...

Thanks Tanya! Happy New Year to you too!!!!