Thursday, October 04, 2007

Eleven days until I start writing. Ack!

I still have a lot of work to do and will be busting my hump right up until the last moment more than likely. Maybe I won't though. I'm trying not to do that. But I've changed this story so completely and hopefully for the better that I have to re-plot. Plotting is not a strong point for me, so I have to work extra hard to make sure I have all my t's crossed and my i's dotted.

But I'm having fun with this story again. I'm actually still not allowing myself to randomly day dream the story. I have to come and write down notes instead of letting it play out in my head like a movie reel. I highly recommend this tactic if you're blocked.

I actually fiddled around with some artwork today as well. I've hurt my arm scooping poop up at the barn. Ouch! It's par for the course for my week. It's been crazy around here but we're holding up pretty good so far.

Accomplished today:

Back story M & T relationship
A comparison table between T & S of strength and weaknesses or rather more like differences.

Began work on solidifying M's character sheet. I've found her static trait. Now I've got to work on the guys.


Shesawriter said...

I envy, lady. I'm stalled. Ordinarily, I wouldn't even be on the internet at this time of day. I'd be writing. But I've hit a brick wall and haven't really written anything for about three days. I'm hoping my subconscious is working this stuff out in the background while I'm panicking in the foreground. :-)


Anonymous said...

Great work. I got off the phone today and am on a roll. I've been inspired. Laughing. I love my stories.