Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day 3 of 70/93

Hrmph. Well, I didn't do as well today. I've really got to get my butt in gear.
Total for the three days is 2692 for three days which means I haven't quite hit my 1000 words per day. But in my defense I have changed a bunch of stuff and I've had to re-outline things. (More like switch pov's) Doesn't matter, I'm going to make up my words by Friday! Darnit! I'm going to do this because I can. Now, I've just got to get rid of this blooming headache!

Day 4 will be much better!!!!!


Shesawriter said...

Good luck. I'm struggling myself. But that's mainly because I'm revising, which is taking a heck of a long time.

Dixie Belle said...

Hang in there, Michelle. We are all in this together.