Saturday, October 13, 2007

Counting down, the ants are back [buggars] and interesting tidbits

I feel a little like Pandora tonight. I have two full days and then I get to write. It's exciting, and nerve wracking. I have been plotting for two straight weeks and while I knew [in my head] what happened with a few exceptions in the middle I didn't realize how wonderful it is to 'hold' off the creative process. It's like poking a finger in a damn and the pressure is getting harder and harder to hold back. But come Monday I'll be writing. I can't wait.

Other items of note would be that: YES, THE FREAKING ANTS ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!! WHY CAN'T THEY MAKE CAT FOOD THAT IS NOT THE EUPHORIC NIRVANA FOOD OF THE GODS FOR ANTS??? CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME? BECAUSE, PLEASE, I'LL TAKE SOME HELP HERE. On an interesting note I did find out that windex will kill ants. *grin* And since the ants in my yard think Raid is some kind of pleasure drug I've had to change up on 'em. I'm also trying Ant Terro. We'll see how that works.

Didn't have to shovel horse poop today! And any day that I don't have to shovel out and clean stalls is a good day. I got to play and pet ze horses who are starting to get their winter coat. It was funny. We drove down the driveway of the barn and the horses were out to pasture which means we have to go out to get them but we saw Thunder look up at the sound of the truck and he stared as we slowly went by him. Then he immediately looked at Mr. Big, like mentally saying. "Oh, no. Here they come again. They are so going to make us go in and we just freaking got here." It was kinda funny if you think about it. The drought is killing us on hay. Most of our hay farmers have totally lost their last cut. Last person I talked to was paying over ten dollars a bail. Our last shipment we only paid about 2 something a bail. Yikes! That one is gonna hurt. Not to mention all of my plants have pretty much died. My mums are staying mumm. If things keep going the way they are, we could be in big ouchy trouble. Thinking seriously about doing a rain dance. Couldn't hurt.

Work Related Tasks:
Finished S's character sheet.
Have begun weaving romance into main adventure plot.
Wrote down notes for T
Have given serious thought to the triangle and how to best make that work to no, not the characters advantage but to mine as the writer.

This weekend is going to be full of work, work, work! But I'll be home pretty much all day tomorrow except in the morning!
Hope everyone has a great day!


Shesawriter said...

You have ants too? OMG! We've got the big black ones. They're about half an inch long. ICK! Can't get rid of them.

Dixie Belle said...

You can use baby powder around the cat box to get rid of the ants. Also vinegar will work, just spray it where you see their trails. It cuts out the scent and that how they travel, by scent.

Michelle said...

Tanya! OMG! I thought I was the only one that battled those nasty little six legged creatures! I'll wish you more luck than I've had, but I will say that ANT Terro seems to work pretty good if you can stomach seeing the little buggars crawling around. Mine are coming in through a light socket! Which really kinda freaks me out because that means they are in the walls. Ick!!!

Dixie Belle, I'll give the baby powder thing a go. They always come in for the cat food for some reason.

Best to the both of you with the Sven Challenge!