Thursday, July 28, 2005

Sweet Tea and Fried Green Tomatoes

You know there is a sure fire way into a southern girl’s heart, give her sweet tea and fried green tomatoes over some cheese grits and she’ll never leave you.
That was my supper last night. I love green tomatoes. Especially when you dredge them in cornmeal and fry them up nice like you would okra. I’m going to have some more tonight.

I had a moment of panic last night when I thought I was out of sweet tea. I can give up cigarette’s, I can give up chocolate but please, please don’t ask me to give up my sweet tea. I would rather just lay down and die first.

I haven’t updated my word meters this week but I’ll be doing that shortly once I return from the store loaded up with ant bait, some COMET cleanser and if I can find it Borax powder. These dern ants think that my house is their new home. This happens about ever other summer. It gets real dry and hot and they decide they like the air conditioning better than their native home. Pesky little creatures. They’re gonna die I tell you! A slow and hopefully quick death! Argh!

I have completed about four thousand words this week on my Project Numero Uno. So I’ve got to add a link to that page as well for those of us keeping track of those things and encouraging each other.

See you guys when I get back from the store!


Dixie Belle said...

I'm addicted to iced sweet tea. I drink it all the time. I had fried okra for lunch, along with tomatoes and cornbread. Summer eating in the South can't be beat!

Lynn said...

lol You go, Southern wench. Sorry. . .but I only sweeten my tea with Sweet and Low. Just thinking about drinking tea southern style makes my teeth ache. But you go with that. And good Lord, can't imagine how grumpy you'd be having to give THAT up on top of ciggies. So, by all means, imbibe. And go you with the writing! Yay! And, ah, I see I am back in the links. tyty Hugsies

Dixie Belle said...

Michelle It's time for more photos!!

Shesawriter said...


Congrats on meeting your goal. I have almost officially escaped from Revision Hell. I just need to print a bunch of copies. After that, I'm DONE!

Tanya (skipping along, tossing flowers)

Shesawriter said...

What kind of oil do you use to fry the tomatoes? Olive oil? Or bacon?

Tanya (a yank)

Michelle said...

I just use plain ole veggie oil. Bacon clumps up the cornbread dredge I use...You'll have to let me know how it turns out!